Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 4- Under the Lights

By Austin VanderLaan
Holland Christian Senior 

Today we woke up at the usual time, gathered up for devotions and a view of how the day was going to go. We decided to split up the campers into 2 groups. One group being grades k-2nd grade which we took first from 8-10am. The second group being 3rd-6th grade. The drills changed depending on which groups we were working with. 

2nd day of camp

There was one thing we kept the same in both groups, we would give the campers a boli (similar to a freeze pop) and we had each of us share our christianity and along with the importance of staying in school. After our camp we had lunch and went back to our condos for an afternoon of naps and swimming in the pool. 

Sharing our testimony
At 5:00pm we all woke up and got prepared for out first outdoor game with another team. We all got there around 5:30 and did our warmups, they were a good team and it was fun being able to play under the lights.
Playing under the lights

When the game was all done and we had taken our picture taken, we shook hands and exchanged our jerseys. It was a blessing to see the joy on their faces when we gave them our jerseys.

-Austin VanderLaan


  1. It is fun keeping up with your trip on the blog. It is great that you are having such a big impact and a good time. Keeping you all in our prayers.

    The Bennetts

  2. I love technology (:, your blogs, looking at the pics, and reading about your daily activities is "funtastic". Thank you for sharing your faith and keeping us "in the loop". You guys rock! Que te cuides. ( (;
    Blessings n prayers,
    The VanderLaans
